Board Meeting Minutes February, 2016

Feb. 10, 2016 by Gary "Story Hawk" Henry

The Lawrence Trail Hawks board of directors conducted its monthly meeting Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2016, at the Lawrence Public Library, 6-7 pm. Board members attending: Nick Combs, president; Sherrie Klover, vice President; Josh McVey, treasurer; Caroline Wroczynski, membership director; Jeff Triplett, webmaster. Also attending: Libby Eddings, Co-RD for the Pi- Day trail races; and Benita Jones, Co-RD for The Snake trail race.

Triplett honored -- Before the meeting was called to order, Jeff Triplett was honored for his five years of service as webmaster, and presented with a personalized hoodie on behalf of the club.

Treasurer’s report --The meeting began with Josh McVey’s Treasurer’s report. Josh stated the current club balance is $7,044. He mentioned that approximately $50,000 flowed through the club last year. As the new treasurer, he listed the tasks he expected the treasurer is acountable for, such as maintaining the club’s state-of-Kansas non-profit status, and membership in the RRCA. Josh introduced a new accounting tool called Xero, which will let the treasurer and race directors keep tabs on income and expenses more accurately, with less work. Josh is planning to conduct RD training on Xero. The board voted unanimously to adopt the software. Josh also mentioned the need for regular auditing of his accounts, and Sherrie Klover volunteered to take on that task.

Webmaster report -- In his webmaster’s report, Jeff Triplett stated that he updated the Trail Hawks’ board e-mail addresses in light of the recent board-member changes. He stated that the club’s URL redirects traffic from to Jeff also stated he has added a new layer of security to the website, to make it harder to hack. Both our and websites now use SSL encryption. Any request to gets redirected securely to:

Pi-Day update — Caroline Wroczynski reported that the Pi-Day half-marathon has 54 entrants so far, and the Pi-Miler has 14. The race will feature hoodies, pie-plate winner awards, and vinyl Pi-Day stickers for cars. Co-RD Libby Eddings said the race is working on getting about 100 mini-cowbells to hand out during the race.

HAWK update — HAWK RD Sherrie Klover stated that the 2016 HAWK has 28 runners signed so far between all three races, but that most are in the hundred, about the same as this time last year. The race will have a quarter-page ad in Trail Runner magazine’s upcoming “dirt issue.” Sherrie will continue promoting the race on Facebook with “Orange Mud” giveaways. She added that income from the 2015 HAWK — about $3,000 after about $20,000 in expenses — has paid many of the root expenses for the 2016 race, such as shelter and campground rentals. Sherrie noted that the 2016 HAWK is listed on the American Trail Runners Association (ATRA) website, along with Pi-Day. She said it’s easy for other RDs to get their races listed as well.

New race — The board unanimously approved a Saturday, July 9 date for The Snake 10-mile trail run, to be co-RDed by Gary Henry and Benita Jones. The RDs presented a preliminary budget detailing $1,600 in expenses, and anticipating $2,000 income, based on estimated 25 dues-paying Hawk members at $35 each, and 25 public runners at $45 each. Benita Jones stated she hopes to keep food expenses down through sponsor arrangements with Hy Vee and a local beverage store.

Meeting adjourned — With all business completed, the meeting adjourned. Trail Hawk member are reminded that the monthly board meetings are open to all members who would like to put matters before the board, or who would just like to attend.

Respectfully Submitted, Gary Henry, secretary

Gal Gallop, July 30, 2009

Trail Hawks Ridgeline aid station at Heartland100, 2018

Hawk aid station at 2017 Heartland 50

2015 HAWK/ Mile 90 Photography

Skyline Shuffle 2018