Letter from the President

Sept. 20, 2016 by Sherrie "Signer Hawk" Klover

Hi All,

Now that the dust has settled from the HAWK, I want to update you on the revamped composition of the Trail Hawks’ board of directors. As you may know if you read the minutes from our August board meeting, Nick “Panda Hawk” Combs resigned from our club’s presidency for health reasons.

As vice president of the club, I then became interim president, as specified in our Road Runners Club of America-based constitution. Of course that left an opening at vice president that we needed to fill.

The vice president, besides standing in for the president when needed, is responsible for taking on special assignments as directed by the president. An interesting job, to say the least, as I can personally attest.

Benita “Novacaine Hawk” Jones had previously expressed interest in running for vice president when the position opens up in January. As you also may know if you read the August board meeting minutes, and in light of her outstanding performance as RD for The Snake 10-Mile-Trail Run, I asked Benita if she would consider filling in as vice president until January. Benita graciously agreed, and the board unanimously confirmed her.

If Benita chooses to continue after January, she will have to be confirmed by membership vote at January’s All Hands meeting, usually held in the 3rd week of January. By the way, this doesn’t preclude anyone else tossing a hat into the ring for vice president — or any other elective board member position.

If you would like to be considered, contact our secretary, Gary “Story Hawk” Henry, with a brief statement about why you would like to hold the office, and your qualifications for doing so.

I plan to leave the board after January, to devote more time to the HAWK and Sanders Saunter. Matt “Civil Hawk” O’Reilly has expressed interest in replacing me as president. Any of you who know Matt — co-RD for the Skyline Shuffle with our treasurer Josh “Free State Hawk” McVey — will know what a perfect choice Matt is to lead our club. Nevertheless, as I mentioned before, that does not preclude any other member from also tossing a hat into the ring.

The same situation exists at secretary. Gary plans to step down from that position, and professional journalist Kara “Red Hawk” Protasio has indicated she would like to take up the work.

Ultimately, however the leadership will be decided by members voting at our All Hands meeting in January. That includes Treasurer. Although Josh is doing a fantastic job handling our finances, and is willing to continue another year, anyone who would like to run for Treasurer can.

To sum up, our current board is:

Interim president: Sherrie; Interim VP: Benita; Treasurer: Josh; Secretary: Gary

We also have two non-voting board members, appointed by the president — both who have done fantastic jobs. They are:

Membership Director: Caroline “Kobol Hawk” Wroczynski; and Webmaster: Jeff “Beatnick Hawk” Triplett

Bottom line — our leadership is intact. I apologize for this lengthy communication, but felt it important to update the club on all developments stemming from Nick’s departure from the board.

Thank you so much for your support of the Lawrence Trail Hawks. Be well and I hope to see you on the trails!


Sherrie “Signer Hawk” Klover Interim President

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