Board Meeting Minutes, September 2019

Oct. 21, 2019 by Josh "Freestate Hawk" McVey

Trail Hawks Meeting The Merc 9/22/2019 Called to order at 2:00pm Attendance: Cara Combs, Josh McVey, Lisa Ball, Ami Weidler-Hyten, Sherrie Klover, and Heather Durris

Financial Update - Josh

Balance $55,933.01 Unreconciled - $19,000

Hawk Hundred Recap - Sherrie & Ami

$135 -> $138 per runner, cut advertising, normatek boots at finish, and orange mud giveaway to keep cost similar to last year but allow for medical personnel at the race. Cupless went well and will continue forward Swag well received Outsourced vests and bags Still did over 7K with Pride of Gumbo 2018 - 234 runners 2019 - 251 runners Only 13 DNS 2019 Ultrasignup report significantly better but a couple hiccups - may submit a ticket on aggregation around multiple orders and cell combining in the Non participant in the same report very helpful. Due to the relationship with 10 junk miles we got a full podcast recap with RD interviews Also part of grand slam helped with advertising Things that went well: Cara being involved - volunteer coordinator - enormously helpful Picked up rental truck Thursday morning Additional timing mat Improve: Ice was an issue went through ~1800 pounds: Had to be sending 3 people out to get ice constantly Investigating having nice coolers or berry ice truck out there (arranged truck before but berry didn’t show up) Tents? What are we going to do going forward? Carport tent was really nice but takes up a lot of room in the storage unit. This will be part of a larger conversation around tents, generators, and what we own and maintain and what can fit in the storage unit. Next year approved for food trucks at Corps of engineers, have to give back 2% working on how this might work. Investigating Friday night meal options as well. Was observed that Saturday afternoon at max capacity time parking and the corps got pretty congested. The rope cordon was helpful at west park road. Big field being mowed at west park was nice, lots of people out there Saturday Lots of runners had big entourages with multiple cars… both positive and negative, people love the easy runner access. Only an issue for parking during Saturday peak runners. Want to improve post race drop bag retrieval process.

Sanders Saunter - Sherrie

22 Buddy Check is beneficiary looking good, going to try and allow 75 in each race. Sanders Charity for 2020 has not been selected yet but there have been multiple proposed organizations, the decision will be made in early 2020.


Wanting more meeting locations, still planning to make some meetings more social and at different locations, but trying to find other places than the library for business meetings. Next meeting hoping to discuss winter plans (fat asses and there have been ideas thrown around for an actual race) Howl Prowl Growl 10/19 Saturday is planned. Caroline coordinating

Trail Hawks Ridgeline aid station at Heartland100, 2018

Hawks Ridgeline aid station Heartland100

Saturday morning long run

Hawk Hundred 100/50/26.2 - 2012