Board Meeting Minutes, February 2021

Aug. 13, 2021 by Todd "BAR Hawk" Chandler

Meeting Date: February 21, 2021

Zoom. In attendance: Cara Combs, Josh McVey, Tamara McEwen, Jordan Shrack, Megan Moriarty, Sherrie Klover, Dezert Abrams, Mary Ann Frevert, Todd Chandler

FROZEN FAT ASS RECAP - Mary Ann and Todd We had 15 runners log their mileage. Three different winners for mileage, time, and elevation. Cara Combs won most mileage with 35 miles. Jay Mooney won greatest time with 8 hours and 5 minutes. Bob Wooten won highest elevation with 5,531 feet. No best balls winners this year. Google spreadsheet worked well as a tracker with everyone entering their own runs. Todd will create charts of the tracking and post winners on 2/22.

PI DAY PIE MILER - Megan Virtual event to be held on 3.14. Participants will be encouraged to donate to Lady Bird Diner's free community lunch program. Participants must eat a full 9" pie and run 3.14 miles. They start their watch, eat 1/3 of the pie, run 1 mile. Eat the second third of the pie, run another mile. Eat the last third of pie, run 1 mile. Do a shot of whipped cream or cool whip, run .14 miles. If you vomit, you have to run an extra .86 mile to make an even 4.

The board approved funding 5 prizes at $30 or less. Most likely gift cards for pies at Lady Bird Diner. Prizes will be given to the fastest time, most beautiful pie, and most elevation. Two additional prizes will be given randomly from among all participants. If you make your pie yourself, you get an extra entry. Megan will create an event for it by the end of the week.

MEMBERSHIP - Josh Good news, no change in conditions from Ultra Sign-up. We'll still get payments twice a month from dues. Dezert will work with Caroline to get membership open on Ultra Sign-up.

NIGHT HAWK - Mary Ann All set to go with permits, Mile 90 and Timer Guys. Pushing back the decision date from 3/1. Reduced the number of entrants. Mary Ann to talk to Jillian about criteria to make the call.

HAWK - Sherrie Waiting for the Night Hawk to post before opening up registration. Will sell out with limited spaces. Only 50 per distance. Already have permits. Need to add Covid Language to sign up. Looking to get food trucks since there won't be any community meals.

NEXT MEETING - Tuesday, April 13, 2021 at 6 pm.

Lake Henry aid station, Sanders Saunter 2018

Lawrence Trail Hawks Frozen Fat Ass Run, Jan. 6, 2018