June board meeting minutes

July 2, 2022 by Gary "Story Hawk" Henry

To: Todd Chandler, president; Jordan Shrack, vice president; Josh McVey, treasurer; Mike Miley, social media director; Caroline Wroczynski, membership director; Hollie Davis, quartermaster; Mary Ann Frevert, swagmaster

From: Gary Henry, secretary

Subject: Minutes of June 28, 2022 board meeting

1. Meeting called to order

The Lawrence Trail Hawks held their monthly board meeting 7:30-9 pm June 28 at Clinton Lake. Present were Todd Chandler, president; Jordan Shrack, vice president; Josh McVey, treasurer; Gary Henry, secretary; Hollie Davis, quartermaster; Mike Miley, social media director; Mary Ann Frevert, swagmaster and Night Hawk co-RD; Shari Hicks, Night Hawk co-RD; Steve Crutchfield, Golden Hawk RD; and Sean Alvarez, member.

2. Events

The meeting began with a review and progress report of the club’s recent and upcoming events.

Night Hawk 50K, 20- and 10-Mile Trail Race -- Mary Ann and Shari report a successful event held June 25-26. Though financials and official results weren’t finalized by meeting time, the race apparently finished in the black, with just under 200 runners across the three distances. Highlights from the RD point-of-view included pleasant weather for the first time in race history, no injuries requiring hospitalization, and what seemed to be a good finish rate. A downed tree was reported on the course between mile markers 5 and 6 on the White trail.

The SNAKE 10-Mile Trail Race -- Preparation is largely complete for the July 23 race. At meeting-time, 57 runners were signed up (59 at this writing). The RD is actively seeking volunteers, now that the Night Hawk is done, and volunteer registration is open on Ultrasignup. The Trail Hawks are seeking an RD for next year’s SNAKE, as Gary won’t be available, except as support. If interested, please contact Gary and Todd.

The HAWK 100-, 50- and 26.2-Mile Trail Races have 72 runners registered so far across all three races, which Co-RD Jordan reports is low for this time of year. The race is looking for promo help, including word-of-mouth and Trail Hawks talking the race up on social media. Orange Mud is a race sponsor again this year and is providing prizes for pre-race give-aways to help promote the event. The race will be capped at about 200 runners. The HAWK is part of the 2022 “Flyover Slam,” which also includes Mines of Spain, the Hitchcock 100 and the Outlaw 100. Currently, six HAWK entrants are slam-participants.

Golden Hawk – The Golden Hawk kicked off Saturday evening at the Night Hawk, with 10 entrants. RD Steve Crutchfield believes all challengers finished the initial race, but was waiting for the official results to certify. He is planning to post a chart on Facebook documenting races and miles completed to date by challengers. He is preparing to order black hoodies and tech shirts with gold trim for the event from Pride of Gumbo in Lawrence. Starting with the SNAKE, Steve has requested a special acknowledgement of the GH challengers during pre-race briefings, and the RDs present at the meeting agreed.

Shoreline Shuffle – Though the RDs weren’t at the meeting, Todd noted that the Shuffle, set for Oct. 8, plans to add a 10k race, though it wasn’t clear if this would be a new course, or two laps of the existing 5K course. The race will be a benefit for Lawrence-based Haus of McCoy, a community hub for queer- and trans-youth.

Cactus Roulette – returning for its 2nd annual, RD Todd Chandler reports the race is tentatively set for Jan. 28-29.

3. Supplies

Carport shelter – The new 10 x 20 carport shelter the club bought this month got its initial try-out at the Night Hawk HQ as the start/finish aid station shelter. Todd reported the shelter worked well, after a short learning-curve in setting it up. Two-three people can put the tent up. Its next outing will be as the Lands End aid station shelter at the HAWK. Todd plans a training day on setting up the shelter before then. He’s also looking into buying durable carrying cases or bags for the components, which weren’t included with the tent. The tent is also set to be used as the Trail Hawks aid station shelter at the Heartland 100 in October, at Matfield-Green.

Old materials – Quartermaster Hollie Davis reported that the Trail Hawks’ supply of first-aid kits is aging and needs to be updated or replaced. She is looking at doing a full audit of the storage unit supplies, with an eye toward discarding broken or obsolete materials.

New materials – Along with first-aid kits, the board discussed purchase-vs-rental of large standing space heaters, and buying improved chests for ice-storage at races.

Meds – Todd will look at drafting a policy on first-aid medications at races. During discussion about first-aid kits, it was noted that ibuprofen can harm runners who take it during races, if they are dehydrated, as many are. The policy may include limiting first-aid at races to topically applied treatments, leaving other medications such as pain-killers to be dispensed only by medically qualified volunteers.

4. Messaging

Todd acknowledged Mike Miley’s efforts as social media director in keeping up posts about the club, its races and other items of general interest to followers across several social media platforms. The group also discussed ways of taking the newsletter to the next level by promoting races and volunteerism.

5. Next meeting

Next meeting place, date and time is TBA. Please check Trail Hawks’ social media platforms for announcements.

6. Meeting adjourned

With all issues addressed, the meeting was adjourned.


Gary Henry


Hawk 50-Mile & Marathon Trail Runs

Jaws of Clintie (Red Trail)

Hawks Ridgeline aid station Heartland100

Marathon Finish

SNAKE 10 Mile Trail Race 2018