Sanders Saunter

Benefit for the Lawrence GaDuGi Safe Center for victims of sexual violence

Benefit run to raise money and awareness for Lawrence's GaDuGi Safe Center for victims of sexual violence. Pronounced GAH-doo-ghee, the name comes from the Cherokee language and means "working together in a community sense." Visit the GaDuGi website at

The race is a 10k loop course with a visit to Sanders Mound, a small hill overlooking Clinton Lake, at race beginning and again near the end. The course is rugged and rocky, but beautifully forested. If you choose to look at the scenery, however, you better be standing still. The race starts at 9 am Saturday morning. Google Maps directions are available on the race webpage. All entrants get a high-quality Lawrence Trail Hawks water bottle, and other swag. Water, sports drink, fruit and other goodies provided post-race.

Fabulous cause, fun race, see you there!

Race date:
November 19, 2011
Start time:
09:00 AM
Race distance:

Event Information


Overall Male/Female

Race Director

Race Results

Trail Hawks Ridgeline aid station at Heartland100, 2018

Skyline Shuffle 2018

Trail Hawks Ridgeline aid station at Heartland100, 2018

Hawks Ridgeline aid station Heartland100