Board Meeting Minutes June, 2017

June 21, 2017 by Gary "Story Hawk" Henry

The Lawrence Trail Hawks held its June board meeting at the Lawrence Public Library June 15, 2017 from 7:07 pm to 8:04 pm. Attending: Matt O'Reilly, president; Benita Jones, vice president; Josh McVey, treasurer; Gary Henry, standing in for Secretary Kara Protasio; Jeff Triplett, IT director; Megan Moriarty and Trudi Chavez, Saturday run leaders. Matt called the meeting to order.

RRCA Policy Documents: The board reviewed and considered drafts of four policy documents that RRCA recommends for its member clubs. The documents were identified by Jeff Triplett and adapted from the RRCA templates for the Trail Hawks by Gary Henry. The documents are Conflict of Interest Policy, Ethics Policy, Whistleblower Policy, and Record Retention and Document Destruction Policy. The first two documents, Conflict of Interest and Ethics, will be sent to board members, with a deadline of Friday, June 23 for their review and input. Finalized drafts will be sent to the board Monday, June 26, with yea or nay email votes due by Friday, June 30. The finalized drafts will then be posted for one week on for members' review and input. With those suggestions incorporated, the documents will live at Then, the process will repeat for the remaining two documents, Whistleblower and Records.

Treasurer's report: Josh McVey reports the Trail Hawks credit union balance at $13,837.63, with about $3,800 available for operating funds beyond race events. Night Hawk and HAWK races are doing well for signups and look to be profitable. Pi Day and Skyline Shuffle did not bring in as much as last year, though both races were in the black. Skyline Shuffle in particular suffered from lack of participation by Trail Hawks members, though non-member entries were up. Upcoming non-race-related expenses include shelving and tubs for the storage unit.

Defeet Cancer donation: Benita has worked with member Danny Loental on his upcoming annual benefit running event "Defeet Cancer," helping with insurance and permissions. She requested, and the board agreed, that the club donate three cotton Trail Hawk t-shirts, and one technical Trail Hawks shirt to a raffle to be held during the event. Matt O'Reilly and Josh McVey agreed to donate two pairs of Skyline Shuffle tech socks, as well.

Emails: The board addressed the issue of who will respond to emails generated from the "contact us" link on -- Matt O'Reilly volunteered to take on that task. Additionally, Jeff is setting up generic "contact us" email links for the weekly runs, that will go to the run leaders' personal email inboxes. That saves them from having to put their personal email addresses on the website.

With no other business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Gary Henry

(for Kara Protasio, secretary)

Hawk Hundred 100/50/26.2 - 2012

Clinton Lake Cleanup 2015

Hawk 50-Mile & Marathon Trail Runs