2017 All Hands Meeting Minutes

Nov. 22, 2017 by Gary "Story Hawk" Henry

Hi All!

Our annual All Hands meeting is coming up, and that means we'll elect our officers for the coming year. Most of our current board members -- Matt, prez; Josh, treaz; and Kara, sec -- have volunteered to stand for another term each. Benita, veep; has a little one on the way, so is stepping down, and will need to be replaced. In any case, all positions are open for election, so feel free to throw your hat in the ring, whether there's an incumbent or not. Following is a brief description of what's involved for each job. Thanks for considering, and hope to see you at the All Hands meeting!



Club's head cheerleader. Responsible for supporting and overseeing all operations and events, including weekly runs, races, meetings via board meetings, person-to-person communication, and checking in onsite. Keeps track of what needs to happen and delegates authority to ensure accomplishment. With board input, names and assigns members to handle special projects. Schedules and runs regular board meetings. Chooses and nominates candidates for non-voting board positions, including IT director and membership director, to be confirmed by the board. Works with the vice president to keep the vice president in the loop and aware of how to take over as temporary president if needed.


Responsible for knowing how to take over as president, if needed. Takes on special projects as assigned by the president.


Tracks, reports, and maintains records of all club financial transactions. Maintains RRCA club membership and insurance, and files state and federal tax documents. Trains race directors on event-accounting procedures. At the direction of the board, provides access to financial resources for event directors, including purchasing and reimbursements. Makes records available for and assists in audits.


Club's house writer. Records minutes of board meetings, and provides them in a timely manner to the IT director for posting on trailhawks.com. Club historian; researches club meeting records to provide perspective on issues as needed. Generates press releases and copy for flyers and brochures as requested by the board and/or event directors. Assists race directors in getting their events placed on hard-copy and online race calendars. Assists president as requested in communicating with the club membership.

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Lake Henry aid station, Sanders Saunter 2018