Sanders Saunter

Pound the mound

Race Information: The race is a Benefit for the Lawrence Humane Society.

The race is a 10k+ loop course with a visit to Sanders Mound, a small hill overlooking Clinton Lake, at the beginning of the race and again near the end. The course is rugged trails running through the beautiful trees. First 100 entrants will receive a coffee mug with “The Best things in life are rescued” logo. Fun awards for top 3 Male and Female finishers—race goodies offered post race.

The LHS will be at the race with “marathon mutts” that are ready for adoption. You are welcome to run the race with a marathon mutt, or simply give them some TLC, it’s up to you! All dogs must remain on leash during the run. There is a Wish list below of items the LHS needs for the shelter. Please bring any donations with you on race morning; we will have a drop box set up. For more information on the “marathon mutts” program please visit:

LHS Wish List: Paper towels, bleach, laundry detergent, Dawn dish soap, hand sanitizer, clay cat litter, peanut butter, crunchy dog biscuits, towels, sheets and washable blankets.

Race date:
November 17, 2012
Start time:
08:00 AM
Race distance:

Event Information


Fun Awards for top 3 Male/Female

Race Director

Race Results

Hawks Ridgeline aid station Heartland100

Shoreline Shuffle 5K Trail 2009

Hawk Hundred 100/50/26.2 - 2012

Lawrence Trail Hawks Frozen Fat Ass Run, Jan. 6, 2018

Saturday Long Run, Lands End, Clinton Lake North Shore Trails