Board Meeting Minutes, February 2021

Aug. 13, 2021 by Todd "BAR Hawk" Chandler

Minutes from the Zoom Board Meeting on February 21, 2021.

2021 Night Hawk Recap 🎉

July 15, 2021 by Todd "BAR Hawk" Chandler

Lots of Trail Hawk Grit on Display!

Skyline Shuffle and Group Runs Update

March 18, 2020 by Tamara "Freeze Hawk" McEwen


Skyline Shuffle has been postponed. Based on CDC guidelines, the original May date and the projected number of participants are too risky. Matt would like to reschedule the race on July 12.

Group runs are temporarily canceled as well. As we move into warmer weather, our group numbers tend to increase. This means we may not be in compliance with proper social distancing.

In the meantime, virtual running is encouraged. If you run on Monday night, remember to treat yourself with a freeze pop. Feel free to grab a cold beverage while lounging in a bag chair after at …

Pi Day has been canceled due to COVID-19

March 13, 2020 by Caroline "Kobol Hawk" Wroczynski

Hi all,

Today didn't start sunny in Lawrence, but pies were made, supplies were ready, timing and volunteers were prepared. Your RDs were ready for weather and making sanitizer.

Unfortunately, around 5:30 pm today, we were contacted by Douglas County that all gatherings over 250 were prohibited due to COVID19. While it is possible that over the course of the day we might never see that number out at the river trails, the possibility is there.

With that said, the community we live in and our dedication as Trail Hawks to kindness to life and land, we made the hard …

Board Meeting Minutes, February 2020

Feb. 19, 2020 by Kylee "Copperhead Hawk" Sharp

Lawrence Public Library. In attendance: President Cara Combs, Vice President Dezert Abrams , Diana Skinner, Bill Loats, Tamara McEwen, Treasurer Josh McVey, Shari Hicks, John Knepper, Ami Weidler-Hyten, Kim Weidler, Megan Moriarty, Jeff Triplett, Gary Henry, Kylee Sharp

Cara called the meeting to order at 8:06 p.m.

South Shore Trails - Diana Skinner

Volunteer coordinator for South Shore Trails. From Kansas Trails Council. 68 miles of trails, from dam to end of Rock Creek arm of lake (6 miles beyond 458)! Needs hikers out there helping maintain trails. We have an opportunity to help out on the other side of …

Board Meeting Minutes, November 2019

Dec. 8, 2019 by Kara "Red Hawk" Baden

November 19, Cara Combs, Josh McVey, Kara Baden, Jeff Beecher, Mark Kramer, Tamara McEwen, Sherrie Klover, Jordan Shrack, Megan Moriarty

Called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.

Financial Report-Josh:

TechSoup- discount for quickbooks. Then we will move forward with quickbooks. Total Balance: $40,739.92


Sold out the 10k, 53-50k 65-25k. Finishes: 44-50k, 63-25k, 65-10k Keeping the cap at 75 per race. Net $2,846.95 and more coming. $485 from Garmin. We will round up the donation to Check22. Race will be November 14, 2020. All hands meeting will decide charity partner. We had good volunteers from the Trail Hawks. Mark …

Board Meeting Minutes, October 2019

Nov. 12, 2019 by Cara "Color Hawk" Combs

Lawrence Trail Hawks Board Meeting October 23,2019

In attendance: Mary Ann Frevert, Megan Moriarty, Jordan Shrack, Todd Chandler, Michael Miley, Treasurer Josh McVey, Vice President Lisa Ball, President Cara Combs and Secretary Kara Baden

Cara called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.

Financial Report-Josh: Total balance: $37,455.89

Operating budget: $25,000 We are converting to Quickbooks on Nov. 17 to help with taxes.

Shoreline Shuffle Report - Kara

The Lawrence Trail Hawks gave $1,055 to the Lawrence Community Shelter for registrations for Shoreline Shuffle. Successes: 42 people registered, liked the charity aspect for this race. New course was successful.

Sander’s …

Board Meeting Minutes, September 2019

Oct. 21, 2019 by Josh "Freestate Hawk" McVey

Trail Hawks Meeting The Merc 9/22/2019 Called to order at 2:00pm Attendance: Cara Combs, Josh McVey, Lisa Ball, Ami Weidler-Hyten, Sherrie Klover, and Heather Durris

Financial Update - Josh

Balance $55,933.01 Unreconciled - $19,000

Hawk Hundred Recap - Sherrie & Ami

$135 -> $138 per runner, cut advertising, normatek boots at finish, and orange mud giveaway to keep cost similar to last year but allow for medical personnel at the race. Cupless went well and will continue forward Swag well received Outsourced vests and bags Still did over 7K with Pride of Gumbo 2018 - 234 runners 2019 - 251 …

Board Meeting Minutes, August 2019

Sept. 21, 2019 by Kara "Red Hawk" Baden

August 28, 2019 at Lawrence Beer Co. In attendance: Vice President Lisa Ball, President Cara Combs, Michael Smchitz, Bill Loats, Tamara McEwen, Mary Ann Frevert, Treasurer Josh McVey, Shari Hicks, John Knepper, Dezert Abrams, Ami

Cara called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.

Financial Update - Josh

Total budget: $51,200.65 Operation budget: $20,000 We are going to put money in the savings account. Money wise we are fabulous!

Birthday Run-Cara

We named nine Hawks that night. We had a good crew. It was hot day on the trails. We spent $200 on lights for swag. Lights are in the …

Board Meeting Minutes, July 2019

Aug. 26, 2019 by Kara "Red Hawk" Baden

Lawrence Trail Hawks July Board Meeting 7.29.19

In attendance: Presiden Cara Combs, Vice President Lisa Ball, Secretary Kara Baden, Mary Ann Frevert, Jeff Beecher, Gary Henry, Mike Goodwin, Ed West, Michael Schmitdz, Shari Hicks, Dezert Abrams, Tamara McEwen.

Meeting called to order at 6:03 p.m.

Financial Update-Josh:

Balance of all accounts is $46,660.69

Night Hawk Race Report - Mary Ann and Shari

This year we figured out the perfect amount of food. We did need more bacon. We had enough volunteers. We had a lot of support getting the course figured out and cleaned up. Special thanks to Gary and …

Hawk Hundred 100/50/26.2 - 2012

Wed. night run 10-7-09

2015 HAWK 100, 50 &26.2 Mile 90 Photo

Skyline Shuffle 2018